Lieferung How long is the delivery time?

Lieferung The delivery time is 5-7 working days.

BlattIs it climate-friendly?

BlattYes, all Stefano Zürich products are made from sustainable materials so that we can help you and the climate.

Austausch Can I return my order?

Austausch  You can return your order 30 days after delivery.

Paypal How can I pay?

Paypal We use Paypal and credit card, Apple pay and Google pay at Mary Manchester.Hand

Schiene How do I find out when my parcel arrives?

Schiene When your order is being processed, you will receive a tracking link from us. You will usually receive it the very next day!

Hand Which credit cards can I use to pay and is it safe?

HandYou can pay with Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Maestro. This is 100% secure.